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Chapter Updates and Contacts
compiled by Braise Liffick
Middle Atlantic Director, CPSR
CPSR News Volume 13, Number 2: Summer 1995
Ongoing CPSR/Boston activities were covered extensively in last quarter's report. The current primary focus is activism related to the regional Telecommunications Policy Roundtable. TTPR/NE now sponsors a free hands-on introduction to the Internet, at Virtually Wired, a new downtown site dedicated to ease access to and provide training for using the net.
Sessions take place at 3:00 and 6:00 daily and include an Internet overview, surfing the net on the World Wide Web, a discussion of the policy issues concerning the future of the Internet, and an opportunity to give our government your thoughts. This event coincides with the federal government's open, online meeting, "People and Their Governments in the Information Age."
For more information please call Coralee at Virtually Wired, 617-542-555 or
CPSR/Chicago has been meeting regularly over the past several months. The chapter was active in helping to organize the Midwest Conference on Technology, Employment, and Community, held in Chicago on March 3 and 4 The conference examined the relationship between new technologies and jobs, the effect of job loss on Chicago's neighborhoods, and strategies for dealing with the changing job environment. The chapter organized and helped to staff a technological demonstration center during the conference, which introduced community leaders to the possibilities of the "information highway." Chapter members also created and maintained a conference web page, allowing anyone with web access to see reports on the plenaries, papers presented. and even pictures, as the conference progressed. Check out the web page at:
CPSR/Chicago has also been active in the recently formed Chicago Coalition for Information Access, a coaltion of Chicago-area organizations working for equitable and universal access to information.
Finally, CPSR/Chicago will host the CPSR Annual Meeting on October 7 and 8, at the University of Illinois-Chicago. This will be the first time the meeting has taken place in the Midwest, and we look forward to seeing all of you there.
CPSR/LA organized a May 24 meeting that dealt mainly with local community online networking, especially among progressive nonproft organizations in the region.
Republican Governor Tommy Thompson has eliminated funding for the Privacy Advcoate and the Privacy Council in next year's budget. He has not yet eliminated the position of the Privacy Advocate, and it is unclear whether he can do so. However, he would probably like to incorporate it into the Department of Administration, where he is collecting many entities formerly not under the control of the executive branch.
In January, the San Diego chapter held an event entitled "The Future of Computer Networking and Telecommunications in San Diego." A panel consisting of Temple University Professor Emeritus Herbert Dordick, San Diego State University Professor John Eger, Howard Stapleton representing the City of San Diego, and Michael Shames of the Utility Consumer Action Network debated the future of telecommunications policy in San Diego, with particular reference to the recommendations of the Mayor's City of the Future task force. The event was well attended and inspired considerable interest in public interest organizing to address computer networking and telecommunications issues in San Diego, including the creation of a local version of the Telecommunications Policy Roundtable.
Please send chapter news and questions about this column to Blaise Liffick at
Exciting News on the Financial Front
CPSR recently received a particularly generous donation from one of the founders of FTP Software,
John Romkey. John's gift of 5,000 shares of FTP Software is by far the largest donation we have gotten
in our history, and we want to thank John for his support of our work. These new resources provide us
with an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen CPSR so that we can meet the challenges of the coming
Announcing the 1995 CPSR Annual Meeting
This year, CPSR's Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 7-8, at the Chicago
campus of the Univerisity of Illinois. The Chicago chapter is already hard at work, so save the date!
Jim Grant
806 Martin Luther King Drive
Abbeville, LA 70510
We are looking for volunteers. If you are interested, please contact the office at 415-322-3778 or
Dave Kadlecek
PO Box 28562
Oakland, CA 94604
Tom Thornton
2 Newland Road
Arlington, MA 02174
617-621 -0060
Don Goldhamer
528 S. Humphrey
Oak Park, IL 60304
David Black
3121 Seventh Street
Boulder, CO 80304
303-440-4462 x21
Rodney Hoffman
PO Box 66039
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Judith Wester
6041-B Laurel Street
New Orleans, LA 70118
Sam Bates
1406 Drake Street #1
Madison, WI 53711
608-244-71222 x260
E. Kent Gordon
46 High Bluff Road
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107
Dave Rasmussen
UW-Milw IMT, Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Roger Rydberg
3225 Wellington Lane
Plymouth, MN 55441
Jeff Sorensen
59 Briarwood Dr.
Seymour, CT 08483
David Friedlander
1781 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10034
Al Whaley
PO Box 60
Palo Alto, CA 94302
Dale Larsen
828 Ormond Ave.
Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2604
Susan Finger
Civil Engineering, CMU
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Steve Biederman
8086 S.W. 66th Avenue
Portland, OR 97223
David Noelle
PO Box 948436
La Jolla, CA 92037-9402
Alan Schlenger
419 Rigg Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Eric Rehm 7306
19thAve. NW
Seattle, WA 98117
Larry Hunter
2921 Terrace Drive
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
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Tel. (415) 322-3778 Fax (415) 322-3798
Created before October 2004