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February 1995
CPSR News Volume 13, Number 1: Winter 1995
Treasurer (3 years) Southern Director (3 years)
Director-at-Large (3 years) Northwestern Director (3 years) Middle Atlantic Director (2 years)
The three-year positions are regularly scheduled elections; the two-year position is the remaining term of an office currently held by an individual appointed by the Board. The candidate elected to this position will fill the remainder of the term. All positions take effect on July 1, 1995.
Any member of the organization may run for the offices of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director- at-Large. Regional Directors are nominated by CPSR chapters in the appropriate region, with each chapter entitled to make no more than two nominations. A letter describing the role of Regional Director and outlining the nomination process will be sent to all chapters in the regions holding elections this year: Middle Atlantic (New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C.), and Southern (Acadiana, Austin, Loyola/New Orleans), and Northwestern (Denver, Portland, Seattle). If you are a member of one of these chapters and are interested in this position, please contact your chapter officers.
Under the bylaws, nominations for CPSR officers are made by the CPSR Board or by petition from 2% of the members. In practice, the Board has approved the nomination of any member in good standing who seeks any of these positions and submits a statement of candidacy, as outlined below.
All nominations must be accompanied by a statement from the candidate that will be printed in the election ballot. This statement should be written in two parts: ( l ) a description of the candidate's background and qualifications, including educational and employment history in the computer profession, past work with CPSR, and any relevant experience, and (2) a brief policy statement outlining the candidate's perspective on the CPSR program and the issues facing the organization. The combined length of these sections must not exceed 500 words.
Nominations for any of the above positions must be received in the CPSR National Office by March 31, 1995. Ballots will be mailed to all members by April 15 and must be returned to the CPSR office by May 3 l, 1995. For more information, call the national office at 415-322-3778 or write to CPSR, P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94302. Our email address is
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