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ALCEI: An Essential Tool for Italian Electronic Citizens
by Bernardo Parrella
CPSR News Volume 13, Number 1: Winter 1995
Aiming to fill this gap, last August a group of professionals, journalists, and techno-experts founded ALCEI - Associazione per la Liberta' nella Comunicazione Elettronica Interattiva, Association for Freedom in Electronic Interactive Communications. This initiative should help prevent such operations as last May's Fidonet crackdown in which hundreds of BBSs were searched and seized for "software piracy." In fact, as its manifesto states,
This initiative should help prevent such operations as last May's Fidonet crackdown in which hundreds of BBSs were searched and seized for "software piracy".ALCEI intends to:
- Monitor, disclose and oppose any behavior aimed at restricting, censoring, or suppressing free circulation of electronic communications and exchange of information and ideas, no matter how controversial
- Support, encourage, and promote the development and use of electronic communications, in order to enable all citizens to have a voice in the information age
- Inform and educate the community at large about computer-based communication systems, emphasizing their responsible use and their positive consequences for our society
Entirely supported by membership fees, ALCEI's activities are focused on involving different bodies of society (legislators, media, online users, common citizens) in the process of activating electronic democracy in Italy an essential role for the future of the local information highway.
For more information, please contact the author or send email to ALCEI at
Bernardo Parrella, ALCEI Board Member and U.S. correspondent to Agora' Telematica, lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Me can be reached at
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