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Sister Organizations in Europe
compiled by Jeff Johnson
CPSR News Volume 13, Number 1: Winter 1995
ARGE Daten, the Austrian Society for Data Privacy, is a nonpartisan group of computer specialists and social scientists who are interested in and concerned about the social impact of computerization. It began as an informal working group in 1983, became a formal organization in 1990, and now has about 700 members.
Arge Daten Sautergasse 20 A-1170 Vienna AUSTRIA Tel: 43-1-4897893-0 Fax: 43-1-4897893- 10
eCE, engaged Computer Experts, is a network of scientists who are interested in analyzing and commenting on the increasing computerization of society. It was formed in 1986, following the example of CPSR and FIFF. It currently has about 70 members.
eCE Postfach 168 A-1015 Vienna AUSTRIA email:
EMERIT, Experiments of Mediation and Evaluation in Research Innovation and Technology, is a joint
project of the Belgian government and trade unions to examine critically the social impact of
technology. It is managed by the University of Namur. It was founded in 1992, and its funding has
recently been extended until 1995.
Patricia Vendramin FTU-EMERIT Rue de ['Arsenal 5 B-5000 Namur BELGIUM Tel: 32-81 725 122 Fax: 32-81 725 128
TY, the Union on Computers and Society, was founded in 1985 and has about 100 members.
Computers & Society (TY) c/o Helena Ahonen Dept. of Computer Science PO Box 26 University of Helsinki FIN-00014 Helsinki FINLAND Tel: 358 (0) 708 4218 Fax 358 (0) 708 4441 email:
CREIS, the Centre de coordination pour la Recherche et l'Enseignement en Informatique et Societe,
supports research and analysis on the impact of computers on society. It was founded in 1984 and has
70 members.
Felix Paoletti/CRElS Department d'lnformatique Universite Paris Vl Tour 55-65 Bureau 309 4, Place Jussieu F-75252 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE Tel: 33(1) 44275877 email:
FIFF, Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility, was founded in 1984 for the same
reasons as CPSR (and based largely on CPSR's model). Like CPSR's focus, FIFF's concerns have
broadened in recent years. It has about 1,000 members.
FIFF Reuterstr. 44 D-53113 Bonn GERMANY Tel: 49 228 219548 Fax: 49 228 214924 email:
Great Britain
SGR, Scientists for Global Responsibility, is an independent organization of scientists and engineers. It
was founded in response to irresponsible uses of science and technology, especially weapons of mass
destruction and environmentally hazardous applications. It was founded in 1992 and has about 1,000
SGR Unit 3, Down House The Business Village Broomhill Rd. London SW18 4JQ ENGLAND Tel: 44-081 - 871 -5175 email:
SWP, the Stichting Waakzaamheid Persoonsregistratie, was founded in 1974 to address questions
raised by government plans to computerize census data and to introduce a national ID number. It has
since extended its focus, becoming a general clearinghouse for information and advice on electronic
privacy issues. Until recently, it operated with 8 volunteer experts and handled about 250 inquiries a
week; however, funding disappeared with recent political changes in Belgium, so the office had to be
closed. Currently, SWP operates as an informal network of activists.
No contact information provided.
CLI, the Commission for Freedom and Liberty, is a broad coalition of organizations in Spain that are
concerned about misuse of information technology for restriction of civil liberties and privacy. The
coalition was founded in 1991 and includes among its member organizations millions of individual
CLI Padilla 66, 3 E-28006 Madrid SPAIN Tel: 34-402-9391 email:
The main professional organization for computer technology in Switzerland is the Swiss Informatics
Society (Sl). Like ACM and IEEE, Sl has a special interest group (SIG) on Computers and Society. The
SIG was founded in 1992 and has about 100 members.
Swiss InformatikerInnen Gesellschaft (SI) Fachgruppe I & G Schwandenholzstr. 286 CH-8046 Zurich SWITZERLAND Tel: 41 (0) 137 17342 email.
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