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CPSR Newsletter Fall 1997


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Chapter Reports

by Netiva Caftori

CPSR News Volume 15, Number 4: Fall 1997


I am happy to report that is back to life (again?). It includes all chapters' officers and regional directors, and is open to whoever wishes to contribute to the life of our chapters. In this listserv, I would like to see sharing and suggestions about how to run a successful chapter.

As you may have noticed, too many of our chapters are in a dormant state. An ad-hoc committee of the board is analyzing the state of our chapters. It will come up eventually with some recommendations about how to remedy the situation or possibly transform it. One possibility I envision is the transformation of our chapters into virtual chapters that rely mostly on issue-based national working groups and occasional face-to face local meetings. CPSR/Michigan which was created this September works this way. Members have agreed to meet mostly on (email to to subscribe) and on HVCN at, a web conferencing center. The chapter also plans physical meeting in Ann-Arbor, with Nathaniel Borenstein, to talk about Internet administration. Steven R. Weiss ( is the contact person in Michigan, and James K. Huggins is the secretary. More officers, new members, and fresh ideas are welcome.

On behalf of all those who attended CPSR's 1997 annual conference, I extend many thanks to the CPSR/Berkeley members, and especially Karen Coyle (, for their tireless effort in organizing and hosting it.

Other chapter news:

  • CPSR/Chicago will host Art Stawinski in November, who will talk about "The Impact of Outsourcing and Contract Programming on the Computing Professions." You can contact Donald Goldhamer ( for details.
  • CPSR/Denver-Boulder held its first meeting in a long while. The chapter contact person, Leonard Sitongia ( would like to hear from you with any suggestions or concerns.
  • CPSR/Madison is very busy with a monthly lecture series, thanks to Robin Rice (
  • CPSR/Seattle is becoming active again. Recently chapter members worked together to hold the 1997 conference on Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (DIAC-97) after having launced the Seattle Community Network. Karyn Quinlan ( is Seattle's new president. The chapter is planning a meeting with a presentation by Peter Royce from Vancouver CommunityNet, who will talk (among other things) about possible collaboration.
  • CPSR/New York has many members, but has been inactive recently. Several very dedicated members would like to start some new activity. Please send your ideas, support, or just a note to Bob Pesner (
  • CPSR/Milwaukee is reorganizing. Please send suggestions for chapter activists to Elizabeth Buchanan ( and Dave Rasmussen (
  • CPSR/Boston will host our Annual Conference in October 1998. A major symposium entitled One Planet, One Net will be a high point in CPSR's year-long study of Internet governance issues. Contact Coralee Whitcomb ( to get more involved.
  • CPSR/Acadiana is headed up by Jim Grant in Louisiana. Contact Kent Gordon ( more information about CPSR/Main. Rodney Hoffman ( in our contact for CPSR/Los Angeles.
It was very rewarding to speak with all these folks and remember that behind the name of CPSR are real people who care and would like to connect with others. Please make a move to help organize a meeting in your area.

Netiva Caftori, CPSR's Midwest Regional Director is the chair of the newly formed chapters board committee. You can contact her at:


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