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CPSR Newsletter 17, 2
Volume 17, Number 2 The CPSR Newsletter Fall 1999

1999 Weiner Awards by Susan Sevoy

CPSR's prestigious Norbert Wiener Award for Social Responsibility in Computing Technology was awarded to the Open Source/Free Software Movement. This movement profoundly challenges the belief that market mechanisms are always best-suited for unleashing technological innovation. This voluntary and collaborative model for software development is providing a true alternative to proprietary, closed software.

Recognizing that a successful "movement" includes many, many contributors, the Wiener Award was given to four components of the Open Source/Free Software Movement.

Accepting on behalf of the FREE SOFTWARE movement is Richard Stallman, founder of the GNU project.

Accepting on behalf of the Open Source VISION is Eric Raymond, author of The Cathedral and the Bazaar [ ].

Larry Wall, creator of the Perl programming language will accept on behalf of the PROGRAMMING effort.

Brian Behlendorf of O'Reilly and Associates [ ] and the Apache Project [ ] will accept on behalf of the PROMOTION and DOCUMENTATION efforts.

Larry Wall

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