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CPSR Newsletter
Volume 15, Number 1: Winter 1997
In this issue: Computers and Education: A CPSR Outlook
- Netiva Caftori, Guest Editor, Introduction
- Steven E. Miller, Education Technology
- Ginny Little, The World at Our Finger Tips
- Dave Cornell, 'Edutainment' and Girls
- John Graves, Where Will Computers be Used for Learning?
- Netiva Caftori, Give Up Your Pedestal, But Not Your Lesson Plans
- Marsha Woodbury, LEEPing into Distance Education
- Ralf Streibl, The Sense and Nonsense of Wired Schools
- Chris Bigum, Antipodean Dreaming
- Elizabeth Buchanan, The Social Microcosm of the Classroom
- Robin Burke, Education Working Group Formed
- Netiva Caftori, Midwestern Regional Director's Report
- Karen Coyle, Western Regional Director's Report
- Chapter Reports
- Tom Shea, Letter to the Editor
Table of Contents, Winter 1997 CPSR Newsletter

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Created before October 2004