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CPSR Newsletter Winter 1997


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Midwest Regional Director's Report

by Netiva Caftori

CPSR News Volume 15, Number 1: Winter 1997


Hi guys,

As the new regional director, I wrote individually to all members in my region who are online and offered them all an opportunity to subscribe to one of the following listservs:

  • cpsrmidw-for all scattered members (with no chapter) and Chicago members
  • cpsrohio-for Ohio members
  • cpsrmich-for Michigan members
  • cpsrmad -for Madison members
  • cpsrtwin-for Minnesota members
  • cpsrmil -for Milwaukee members-soon

If you have not yet subscribed, you may do so by sending email to with the following single line in the message area (no subject): sub cpsrmidw your name (1st then last) . The lists are not busy or moderated, but serve the purpose of important communication between me and the members, or the contact person and the members, and in some instances among the members themselves. Issues of interst are shared as well as solicitations for opinions on decisions I have to make on the national board. I often receive feedback on the great value of this mechanism, and I urge all midwest members to join and other regions to follow suit (if they don't have already a communication device).

Since coming aboard I've had the pleasure of participating in meetings of Michigan members have met a couple of times this fall and decided to form a chapter. Good job, guys! Ohio and Milwaukee both have people interested in activating a chapter, but the task seems formidable. Either there are not enough members in a locality, or not enough activists. Running a chapter requires a couple of activists. So if you are in one of these places and would like to assist in reviving a chapter, please contact me, join a list, or check the CPSR web page for contact people. You might also ask the Madison or Michigan people how they pulled it together.

The Minnesota Chapter held a joint breakfast meeting with ACM on January 21. The featured speaker was Joel Hodroff, Founder of Commonweal Inc. Joel talked about his Commonweal Currency Exchange Network and changes to come in the "Economic-Cash" society. For information about the meeting or Minnesota Chapter activities, contact Rog Rydberg, the chapter chair, at

Through CPSR connectivity, a few of us lectured at Argonne National Lab in an Ethics and Technology seminar. Also, through our new Ethics Working Group (not yet official) a few of us are planning to present on a panel at Loyola University's second annual Ethics and Technology Conference this June in Chicago. So CPSR is bringing many of us together into activities close to our hearts.

With technology, times seem more stressful for many of us. Let's use the technology to reduce the stress by working with people of similar interests and achieving some common goals. My thanks to all the wonderful people who help render my job so much fun.


Return to Table of Contents, Winter 1997 CPSR Newsletter

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