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Western Regional Director's Report
by Karen Coyle
CPSR News Volume 15, Number 1: Winter 1997
The Berkeley chapter has had meetings this year on an eclectic range of topics from a presentation by the editor of the online journal Disgruntled: A Magazine for People Who Work to speakers from Project InfoMed, which supplies computers for a medical project in Cuba, and the Women's Economic Agenda Project, an Oakland-based group teaching job skills to low-income women. The chapter also held two parties this year, which are always popular events. The Berkeley chapter will be hosting the 1997 CPSR annual meeting.
The Los Angeles chapter has occasional meetings with speakers or videos, such as the one they are co-hosting with IEEE on copyright and ownership issues in cyberspace.
One of the largest CPSR chapters is Palo Alto. This chapter meets monthly and also publishes a newsletter. It supports two local working groups: Civil Liberties and "The Assembler Multitude" (relating to nanotechnology). The San Diego chapter has expanded its Web page to include a special section on items of interest to the state of California and its residents. Santa Cruz hosts one of our smaller chapters with about a dozen members.
Return to Table of Contents, Winter 1997 CPSR Newsletter

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