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ICANN board from CPSR/Japan (Dec.2004)
- Joichi Ito became ICANN board in 2004.
CPSR/Japan website renewal (Feb. 2005)
- Website of CPSR/Japan moved to
Archiving CPSR history (April 2005)
- Announcement on Archiving CPSR history for Future Use
CPSR/Japan monthly meeting 2005
- CPSR/Japan has casual lanch meeting in Tokyo for both member and expected member. The meeting is held on the second Saturday of each month beginning from this April.
WSIS-Tokyo (May 2005)
- CPSR/Japan member will join to WSIS thematic meeting at Tokyo on 16-17 May 2005.
Archiving CPSR history (since 2005)
- Some consideration about archiving CPSR historical materials including bibliography.
On P2P Developer Trial (Dec. 2006)
- On "Winny" P2P software developer trial judgement
CPSR/Japan VP comments on the illegal/harmful websites (Jan. 2008)
- CPSR/Japan VP comments on the Japanese proposal on the regulation of illigal/harmful websites.