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The CPSR Compiler - September 2007
The CPSR Compiler - September 2007 - 1.6
Turning Thoughts to Actions
- CPSR's "Who Voted" Project Completed - Site To Be Launched Soon
- CPSR moves some web site functions to
- Job posting
- CfP - Workshop on Distributed Participatory Design
- CfP - 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
- Board meeting on November 3rd, 2007
- Reminder: proposals for the Technology in Wartime Conference are due Oct. 15
- CPSR Board Signs a Letter in Support of Iran's Civil Society Organizations Training and Research Center (ICTRC)
- Upcoming events
CPSR's "Who Voted" Project Completed - Site To Be Launched Soon
Our Google Summer of Code intern, Jeffrey Gerard, completed his work on the Who Voted site a few weeks ago, and data have been uploaded initially for elections in the State of Florida. Jeff did an excellent job, supervised by our Vice President Fyodor and assisted by several other CPSR members in the Who Voted Working Group. A public launch of the site will happen very soon pending some presentational and cosmetic changes aimed at communicating the purpose of the site as clearly as possible and addressing privacy issues.
CPSR moves some web site functions to
As part of our migration plans for improving our web site experience, we have moved some functions of our web site from the CPSR.Org to CPSR.Net domain names. For example, our new membership and donation pages are hosted there. Thanks go to CPSR director Robert Guerra for setting this up. We are using the free and open source CiviCRM platform (CiviCRM.Org) for the new membership portal. You can give it a try right now by logging in at if you haven't already.
Some URLs may change over the coming months as we complete the migration process.
Job posting
Assistant Professor Job in Media Studies at the University of San Francisco
Media and Society
The Media Studies Department at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, anticipated to begin Fall 2008.
Responsibilities include teaching two undergraduate courses per semester, plus one additional course over two years (2-2-2-3 over two years), and an active program of research and service. The successful candidate will be qualified to teach at least two of our introductory and core courses (Introduction to Media Studies, Media Institutions, Media Audiences, Media Stereotyping and Violence, and Communication Law and Policy) as well as courses related to the candidate’s specialty. Expertise and interest in teaching basic digital communication practice will be a plus as will an emphasis on race/ethnicity and international/global issues.
The Department is seeking an individual who is able to work with diverse students and colleagues. Ph. D., or equivalent advanced degree in a related field, plus a record of teaching, professional experience and research, or other relevant creative activity, are required.
Applicants should submit, by October 1, 2007, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, brief description of research plans, evidence of teaching ability (including sample syllabi, student evaluations, and a statement of teaching philosophy) and three letters of recommendation to:
Dr. David Silver
Media Studies Search Committee
Media Studies Department
University Center 538
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
We encourage minority and women candidates to apply. USF is an Equal Opportunity Employer dedicated to affirmative action and to excellence through diversity. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants with disabilities upon request.
The University of San Francisco is a Jesuit Catholic university founded in 1855 to educate leaders who will fashion a more humane and just world. Candidates should demonstrate a commitment to work in a culturally diverse environment and to contribute to the mission of the University.
CfP - Workshop on Distributed Participatory Design
Apologies for cross-postings.
Second Workshop on Distributed Participatory Design
--- in conjunction with CHI 2008 ---
--- April 6th, Florence, Italy ---
Call for Participation
Participatory Design (PD) is a technique that promotes the direct participation of stakeholders (especially end-users) in system analysis and design. It is believed that such direct participation can lead to more useful and usable systems. In order to facilitate PD a number of techniques, such as PICTIVE and CARD, and tools, such as GABBEH and PSPD, to name just a few examples have been developed. However, a limitation of such techniques and tools is that they are primarily focused on project stakeholders being colocated, whereas today there is a growing trend towards distributed software development. Therefore, this workshop is aimed at researchers and practitioners with an interest to overcome the challenges of performing PD in distributed design teams, namely Distributed Participatory Design (DPD).
This one-day workshop hosted at CHI 2008 ( aims to explore the challenges and solutions of DPD. We are particularly interested in hearing about successes and failures of processes and tools used in DPD. Thus, the workshop will address, but is not limited to, the following questions:
- What are the challenges performing DPD?
- How can we effectively support DPD?
Before the workshop:
Both researchers and practitioners with an interest in DPD are invited to submit a 2 to 4 page position paper presenting experiences from a DPD case study. We provide a template available at
Before the workshop small groups of participants, based on interests, will be asked to collaboratively work together on a presentation. This presentation will be presented by the groups at the workshop.
Important dates:
- Deadline for paper submissions: October 3rd 2007, 5:00PM (PDT).
Submissions should be e-mailed to: a.naghsh (at)
- Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on
November 28th 2007.
During the workshop:
During the first part of the day, the pre-workshop results will be presented, followed by discussions and elicitations of themes. The second part of the day is dedicated to group work, resulting in a poster to be presented at the CHI 2008 conference.
After the workshop:
After the workshop the website will continue to act as a resource for those interested in DPD. We have also agreed with the editors of the British HCI Group's Interfaces magazine an article to disseminate an overview of the workshop's activities and its outcomes to the wider CHI community.
For more information:
Please visit and
All the best,
The DPD Workshop Committee - Karin Danielsson, Amir Naghsh, Dorina Gumm and Andrew Warr
CfP - 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
We invite you to submit a paper/abstract to the 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WM-SCI '08 ( It will take place in Orlando, Florida, USA, on June 29th to July 2nd, 2008.
The deadlines are the following:
Submissions: October 24th, 2007
Acceptance: November 28th, 2007
Camera-ready: February 14th, 2008
We are emphasizing the area of Participatory Design which, we think, is related to your specific academic or professional area.
Submitted papers or extended abstracts will have three kinds of reviews: double-blind (by at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer-to-peer reviews.
Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the reviews made to their submission so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers. Non-registered authors may not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.
Awards will be granted to the best paper of those presented at each session. From these session's best papers, the best 10%-20% of the papers presented at the conference will be selected for their publication in Volume 6 of JSCI Journal ( and sent free to over 220 research libraries. Libraries of journal author's organizations will receive complimentary subscriptions of at least one volume (6 issues).
Also, we would like to invite you to organize an invited session related to a topic of your research interest. If you are interested in organizing an invited session, please, fill out the respective form provided in the conference web page. We will send you a password, so you can include and modify papers in your invited session.
More details about the reviewing process, the acceptance policy, organizing invited sessions, and submission deadlines can be found at our web site.
If the deadlines are tight and you need more time, let us know about a suitable time for you and I will inform you if it is feasible for us.
Best regards,
Professor Nagib C. Callaos
WM-SCI '08 General Chair
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Board meeting on November 3rd , 2007
There will be a short annual board meeting Saturday, November 3, 2007
It will be held at the CPSR offices in downtown San Francisco from 11 AM - 2 PM, Pacific Time. This will be followed by informal discussion, and a CiviCRM demo.
Please register at
Reminder: proposals for the Technology in Wartime conference are due Oct. 15
About submitting a proposal:
Proposals are welcome in the form of paper presentations, descriptions of current research projects, and panels. Technical demonstrations are also a possibility. All participants (including panelists) are expected to produce a ready-for-publication article to be published in the proceedings. Reasonable travel expenses (coach airfare to conference location plus two nights hotel) will be reimbursed. If you are submitting a proposal for a panel, be sure to include information about each of the proposed speakers and topics. Please submit a one-page abstract of your proposal, a short biography, and cover letter by Oct. 15, 2007 to techinwar(at) We will notify speakers by Nov. 1.
For more information please go to
CPSR Board Signs a Letter in Support of Iran's Civil Society Organizations Training and Research Center (ICTRC)
In March 2007, Iranian Intelligence raided ICTRC's offices in Tehran, confiscating their records and computers. Iranian authorities also closed two of ICTRC's offices and blocked their bank accounts. Iranian authorities have reportedly failed to provide legal justifications for these actions.
CPSR members worked directly with members of ICTRC during the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). A group of NGOs and individuals, many of whom were also involved in the WSIS, have signed a letter to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, protesting these acts against the ICTRC and asking, in part, the organization be allowed to continue its work without repression.
The CPSR Board voted unanimously for CPSR to be a signatory to this letter.
Read the full text of the letter here
External Links
Front Line Page on ICTRC
Upcoming events:
The Third International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2007)
December 3-12, 2007Santa Clara University's Center for Science, Technology and Society, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, and High Tech Law Institute are holding a half-day conference, "Trust On-line." Oct. 2 to look at technical, regulatory, social, and ethical issues in building sustained confidence in a global, virtual marketplace. Keynoters are Richard Clarke (special advisor to the president on cyber security) and Dave Cullinane (chief information security officer, eBay).
* About the CPSR Compiler:
The CPSR Compiler is a monthly notice with short updates on recent activities of our members and opportunities to engage in the development of the public voice through CPSR projects.
To report news for future issues, email a sentence or two (and URL if available) to cpsr (at) -- please begin your subject header with "FOR COMPILER: " for reliable recognition.
* About CPSR:
CPSR provides a discussion and project space where individuals can contribute to the public debate and design of our global digital future. Through CPSR's chapters and working groups, members focus on regional and civic issues developing the public voice. To ensure a democratic future in a time of intense globalization, the voice of the public must command a prominent position on the world stage. CPSR frames and channels the public voice.
* Members:
When in doubt about how to get more out of your CPSR membership, refer to the Activists Handbook or email [ cpsr (at) cpsr (dot) org ] to get help in getting the most out of your membership.
To get involved in policy work through CPSR, consider joining one of CPSR's Working Groups or email [ cpsr (at) cpsr (dot) org ] about starting a new one.
CPSR-Activists is the main members forum of CPSR, where the board and members discuss current policy and organizational issues. Only subscribed members can post to this list.
(c) Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility 2007
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The CPSR Compiler is emailed to CPSR members in good standing who have provided CPSR with their email address.