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Education Working
Welcome! We're CPSR members who have a special interest in the role computers play in education. Read on to meet some of us and our related work, and see what the group is focusing on currently.
Member Information
Contact information, areas of interest, Some WG members and others of
interest to the group.
Events related to Education
CPSR publications related to Education
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if you are a CPSR member
CPSR's Education Links
Another excellent set of links is on the ACM Policy '98 Conference Learning
Online Focus Area page.
Our Mission
Communities, government, and other institutions are investing heavily in computational resources for schools, museums, libraries, and other educational institutions. We are also seeing a new wave of investment associated with computer networking and distance education. Despite its great cost, this growing commitment to information technology has met with little critical analysis of the overall benefits and side-effects of the technology, educational and otherwise. As CPSR members, our mission is to look beyond hype and technological boosterism:
- to analyze the tasks and environments for which educational computer systems are appropriate,
- to compare different models of educational computing in and out of the classroom, and
- to disseminate success stories and cautionary tales relevant to those implementing or managing school-based computer systems.
CPSR has a history of drawing on the expertise of its members to influence and guide policy. The mission of the CPSR education working group is to channel our energy into the promotion of democratic, humane and fruitful employment of information technology in education. We will nurture dialogue and analysis within the group, conduct research, convene workshops and conferences, write position papers, issue recommendations, and take other action consistent with this mission.
Some Working Group Members and other Educators
Alfred Bork
University of California, Irvine
- Email:
- Home Page:
Hank Bromley
Graduate School of Education
State University of New York at Buffalo
- Home Page:
(home page contains links to content for two courses: Introduction to Educational Technology (Fall, 1998), and Educational Uses of the Internet (Spring, 1998), and a list of Hank's publications.)
- Email:
Robin Burke
Original Chair of the CPSR Education Working group
- Home Page:
Netiva Caftori
Computer Science Department
Northeastern Illinois Univ
- 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, IL 60625
- Home page: (frames) (no frames) (Publications and other neat stuff are on Netiva's home page)
- Email:
Dave Cornell
Programmer and designer of children's educational software.
C. Frank
Ph.D. student in Higher Education and Media specialist
College Medicine
University of Arizona
- Interests: higher education, specifically instructor use of computer technologies
- Email:
Julie Remold
Education working Group Chair
- Interests: relationship between educational technology and privatization and information design
- Email:
Alan Russell
Senior Business Analyst, International IT, Air Products and
Allentown, PA
Adjunct instructor, DeSales University
Associate faculty, US Open University
- Email:
- Home Page:
Doug Shuler
Program Director: CPSR's "Public Sphere Project"
- Interests: education, particularly as it relates to civil society and the uses of new technology.
- Web Sites:,
course curriculum for "Meet the New Medium: Exploring the Technology and Social Implications of the Internet", Evergreen State College - Email:
David Wortley
- Email:
- Home page:
Please visit CPSR´s Conferences and Events page for a complete listing.
If you know of an education event that is not listed, please contact Julie Remold. Also please consider sharing notes from events you attended.
- Letter to Senate Subcommittee and Senators on S. 1619, March 26, 1998
- Letter to Senator John McCain on S. 1619, February 10, 1998
- CPSR Filtering FAQ (frequently asked questions), December 25, 1997
- Computer Professionals Question Impact of Internet Filters, December 1, 1997
Education Publications
For a complete list of CPSR publications and for ordering information, please visit the CPSR publications page.
Education Technology: A Tool for Change, A Focus for
The CPSR Newsletter, Guest editor: Netiva Caftori, 15, 1 (Winter
1997). $5.00.
Technology has invaded our schools in more than one way. Whether schools and teachers are ready to embrace it is a different issue. Those who have chosen to integrate it into their curriculum of study are not always doing so with much prior planning. It seems as if many children do more learning about technology outside of the school's boundary or at least the school's physical walls. Many students are now able to access educational centers through distance learning and on-line facilities. Virtual communities are thus able to be formed. Is the U.S. leading the way in educational technology?
Computing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility: A Bibliography.
Edited by Herman T. Tavani. 1996, 157 pages. $15.00.
Includes sections on issues of moral and social responsibility for computer professionals; sources on teaching computers, ethics, and social responsibility; and a unit on the future of computing and the quality of life.
Technology in Education: Everybody's Business.
the CPSR Newsletter, 12, 2 (Spring 1994), $5.00.
Computers and Social Responsibility:
A Collection of Course Syllabi Edited by Terry Winograd and Batya
Friedman. 1990, 143 pages. $15.00.
Includes sections on social implications of computing, social analyses of computing, ethics for computer professionals, computers in the arts, computers in the military, computers in the third world, and computers in education.
Join the CPSR Education Working Group list
- This mailing list is only available to CPSR members, your request
must be manually approved. This should take no longer than a couple of
- You will get a message welcoming you to the discussion, giving you instructions in using the list server and providing you with a password to use in changing your subscription information.
Page authors are Julie Remold, Robin Burke , Robin Rice, and Dave Cornell.
We welcome comments and suggestions for improving this page.
Last updated on August, 2001
E-mail with questions or comments.
Created before October 2004