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National Identity Schemes
Up one levelIncludes Biometrics, Radio Frequency Identification Tags, FAQ & link to resources.
- Biometrics is the practice of automatically identifying people by one or more bodily characteristics such as a fingerprint, iris, face, voice or hand-writing.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Tags
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the generic term used to describe technologies using radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. We need to be aware of the privacy implications of this technology as its use becomes more widespread.
National Identification Schemes (NIDS) and the Fight against Terrorism: Frequently Asked Questions
- This set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) provides background on why NIDS are an unsuitable measure to increase security against terrorist attacks.
National Identification Schemes: Links to Resources
- A collection of resources about National ID Cards and Privacy concerns.
Identification Technologies: An Analysis
- Author: Jeff Johnson