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2007 News
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eChicago symposium and a small gathering of CPSR activists
- eChicago: Understanding and Implementing Local Community Use of Information Technology - A Dominican University GSLIS symposium - Doug Schuler is the keynote speaker on April 20 at this symposium organized by Kate Williams. The event is free and you are all invited.
Think Outside the Bomb Conference - Call for Applications
- Students interested in global security issues are invited to apply for the Think Outside the Bomb conference in Washington, D.C. The summit aims to encourage today’s young leaders to view the pursuit of nonproliferation and disarmament as the special mission of their generation.
Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning >> Notice of Extended Deadline – April 30th <<
- July 16-21, Rutgers University --- CSCL Workshop Announcement --- Note: Please register or express interest before April 30th—workshops with insufficient registration will be cancelled.
"Copyright Regime vs. Civil Liberties."
- RICK FALKVINGE, founder of the Swedish Pirate Party and the international politicized pirate movement, talks about the rise and success of pirates, and why pirates are necessary in today's politics. He'll also outline the next steps in the pirates' strategy to change global copyright laws.
OSCON/OSCAMP get together
- Board member Todd Davies will be at OSCON/OSCamp in Portland from Tuesday afternoon July 23 through Thursday July 25, 2007
Economics of Identity Theft
- New book by former CPSR Board member L. Jean Camp
Call for Papers - PSAI 2008
- Workshop on Privacy and Security - Artificial Intelligence (PSAI 2008) Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain
Registration is now open for Technology in Wartime Conference
- Visit the Technology in Wartime site to register: