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Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility |
2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994
U.S. Election Assistance
Commission Testimony - and Statement - May 5,
The Compiler -
April 2004 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
CPSR's New
Spanish Language Membership Form
The Compiler -
March 2004 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
Board of Directors Election - 2004
Call for Nominations and Candidates - Ballots must be postmarked by June 7, 2004 .
The Compiler -
February 2004 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
CPSR's Role in the World Summit on the
Information Society
The Compiler
-January 2004 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
Annual Appeal and 2003 Year in Review and Annual Report for
2002-2003 in PDF
The Compiler
-November 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
"Getting the Technology
You Deserve: Community Participation in Regional Cable Franchise
Policy - CPSR's Annual Conference, Seattle, WA - October 25,
The Compiler
-October 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The Compiler
-September 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The Compiler
-August 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
CPSR Comments on the California Touch
Screen Task Force Report - August 1, 2003
The Compiler
-July 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
CPSR supports California
legislation about unsolicited email communications
SB 12
The Compiler
-June 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
CPSR supported EPIC's testimony in the House
Financial Services Committee regarding the Fair Credit Reporting
Act, regarding HR2622 (Bachus), which gives the industry preemption
and does not do much for the consumer.
The Compiler
-May 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
CPSR Pittsburgh Chapter
endorsed a petition
calling for the Pittsburgh City Council to oppose Patriot
CPSR signed onto the EPIC
Complaint and Request for Injunction, Investigation and for Other
Relief in the Matter of Inc. before the Federal Trade
Commission - April 22
The Compiler
-April 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
War and Information Technology
CPSR Chair Hans Klein
launched policy projects at the
Georgia Tech School of Public Policy, co-sponsored by CPSR -
"Opportunities in WSIS"; "The Atlanta Grassroots Peace Movement";
State-level DMCA (S-DMCA); Speaker Series on Internet and Civil
Doug Schuler's New
Community Networks: Wired for Change translated into Spanish
CPSR signed a letter and petition from
EPIC to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget requiring accuracy
for the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) record system
CPSR Weapons &
Peace Working Group
War and Information
Technology essay
Sites circulated
during CPSR discussions
versus Iraq War links
CPSR Calls on Internet Community
to Protest Malicious Hacking of Arab and Foreign News Web
How Can Spectrum Reform
Best Promote Wireless Internet Deployment?
Expand Unlicensed
Spectrum, But Retain Public Interest Review and Dedicated
April 4th submission to the Internet Caucus Advisory Committee to
educate Congressional staff
The Compiler
-March 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
CPSR Adds Endorsement to
Statement by Technologists that Voting Machines Must Provide a
Voter-Verifiable Audit Trail
The Compiler
-February 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
"Big Brother is Already Here" -
CPSR's President signed full page ad in the January 17, 2003 New York
The Compiler
-January 2003 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
2002 Year in Review and Annual Appeal
The Compiler
-December 2002 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The Compiler
- November 2002 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The Compiler
- October 2002 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The User Voice in
Internet Governance- - Cyber-Federalist No. 15,
October 25, 2002
The Compiler
- September 2002 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The Compiler
- August 2002 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The Compiler
- July 2002 - CPSR's monthly e-Newsletter for Members
The 2002 Norbert Wiener
Award to Karl Auerbach for pioneering Internet Democracy
Creating the
Illusion of Legitimacy - Cyber-Federalist No. 14, August 8,
2001-2002 Annual
Report in PDF and
2001-2002 IRS Form 990 in PDF
CPSR Amicus Brief (pdf) in California Supreme Court Case DVD-CCA v.
Bunner, about reposting DeCSS code.
Newsletter for Members, June 2002
Staying the Course
on Internet Privatization - Cyber-Federalist No. 13, May 31,
Comments for
Congressional Hearings on ICANN
CPSR and NetAction submit
a letter opposing CBDTPA
to several key Senators and Representatives.
CPSR joins Netaction in
several filings on Microsoft case:
- Reply Memorandum of Amici Curiae, March 11, 2002;
- Motion for leave to participate in March 6 Tunney Act Hearing, February 27, 2002;
- CPSR/NetAction brief among 47 "major" filings out of 30,000 comments submitted to the Department of Justice;
- Comments to the Department of Justice protesting the Microsoft/DOJ settlement.
CPSR co-sponsors US Congressman Bob
Barr talk on "Civil Liberties in Cyberspace" Georgia Tech, February
15, 2002
User Interest in
ICANN is Broad and Deep - Cyber-Federalist No. 12, February 14,
National ID -- Cal. State
Judiciary Hearings: Summary and Analysis | FAQ | Links
CPSR Announces Privaterra -
Securing Human Rights
Newsletter for Members, December 2001
Computer Experts Question National Identification
CPSR co-signs letter to EU Council
of Ministers urging retention of internet privacy rules in light of
Bush request. Version
Comments on UCITA for Florida Legislature
CPSR Charter on Terrorism, September
24, 2001
Comments on Legislative Proposals to Protect
National Security and their impact on the Communications
Infrastructure, October 2, 2001
Statement on Terrorist Attacks,
September 19, 2001
The Future of
Democracy in ICANN: A Critique of the At Large Study Committee Draft
Report - Cyber-Federalist No. 11, September 15, 2001
Newsletter for Members, August 2001
to Majority Leader Armey on Privacy, July 3, 2001
Newsletter for Members, May 2001
CPSR Joins
Consumer and Privacy Groups in Outlining Federal Trade Commission
Priorities, July 17 2001
Former CPSR
Board Member Named Sexiest Geek Alive, June 20 2001
The 2001 Norbert Weiner
Award to Theodore Postol and Nira Schwarz, April 2001
The Origins of
ICANN's At Large Membership - Cyber-Federalist No. 10, March 27,
Opposes Blocking by ISPs, March, 2001
CPSR Signs onto Pledge by the Privacy Coalition
CPSR Signs
Scientists and Engineers Pledge to Renounce Weapons of Mass
DestructionFebruary 2001
CPSR Signs Student
Pugwash Pledge
The New Politics of
ICANN: Board Diplomacy - Cyber-Federalist No. 9, January 30,
ICANN's At Large
Study - Cyber-Federalist No. 8, December 27, 2000
Newsletter for Members, December 2000
ICANN At Large
Members Launch Coordinating Committee - Cyber-Federalist No. 7,
November 16, 2000
CPSR Africa chapter
formed, October, 2000
Organizing the
ICANN Membership: Regional Forums - Cyber-Federalist No. 6,
September 21, 2000
CPSR signs onto GILC letter
objecting to the proposed Convention on Cyber-Crime, October 18,
Withdraws from Amazon Associates Program, Septemer 20, 2000
Membership Nomination Process - Cyber-Federalist No. 5, September
6, 2000
CPSR signs letter to Senate Commerce Committee
regarding the Network Advertising Initiative.
An Analysis of the
ICANN-Named Board Nominees - Cyber-Federalist No. 4, August 8,
Newsletter for Members, July 2000
Elections Matter - Cyber-Federalist No. 3, July 28, 2000
CPSR, ACLU and EPIC form Internet Democracy
Project. July 7, 2000 Press Release.
CPSR Comments on Section 104 of Digital
Millenium Copyright Act (First Sale)
Reflections on the
ICANN Meeting in Yokohama - Cyber-Federalist No. 2, July 17,
No. 1, July 5, 2000
CPSR members in Japan plan activities on
governance at INET 2000 in July.
CPSR signs letter urging representatives to vote
against S. 486, the "Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act of 1999."
The act would censor speech online and offline regarding controlled
Letter to the Department of Commerce
regarding "Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act", April,
Comment Concerning Technological Measures on Copyrighted Works,
March, 2000
Michigan Takes Part in Battle Over Internet Filters in Libraries,
February, 2000
UCITA: Letter to N. Virginia
Legislators, February, 2000

CPSR Supports Junger
Amicus Brief on Encryption Case filed by EPIC.
CPSR's President and Chair Leave After Many Years
on the Board
Elections will be held soon.
Letter to Attorney
General Janet Reno regarding the Child Online Protection Act,
November 4, 1998, signed by CPSR as a coalition member of the Internet
Freedom of Expression Alliance.
Program Announcement, PDC-98, sent to members October 23, 1998, by
Susan Evoy. The 1998
Participatory Design Conference was held November 12-14, 1998,
Seattle WA. Sponsored by CPSR in cooperation with ACM--The Association
for Computing.
Letter to the editor, October 14, 1998 written
by Andy Oram in response to an Associated Press article appearing in
USA Today and elsewhere, covering the CPSR One Planet One Net
conference at MIT, October 11-12, 1998, with the misleading headline:
opposes Net privatization.
CPSR's Filing
on the Private Sector Proposal for New Domain Name Corporation ,
October 13, 1998.
Law of
Cyberspace, Constitutional Law, keynote speech by Lawrence
Lessig, Professor, Harvard Law School, at the CPSR One Planet, One Net
Symposium at MIT, October 10, 1998. (See also Lessig's home
to OECD Ministers at Ottawa Conference on Electronic Commerce,
October 1998, signed by CPSR as a coalition member of the Global
Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC). Letter
in French.
Domain Name Resolutions: CPSR
Proposals for the new Corporation, June 30, 1998
The Y2K Working Group's
correspondence with the New York Times, June 13, 1998
Internet Engineering Task Force Wins Norbert Wiener
Award April 27, 1998
CPSR's comments to
the NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information
Administration) in response to the Department of Commerce's Green Paper
on DNS (Domain Name System) administration, March 23, 1998
Letter to Senate Subcommittee on S.1619
(Internet School Filtering Act) March 26, 1998
Letter to Senator John McCain on S. 1619
(Internet School Filtering Act) February 10, 1998
Letter to U.S. Representatives asking
co-sponsorship of HR 3048, or "The Digital Era Copyright
Enhancement Act" February 10, 1998
Back to top of page 
Computer Professionals Question Impact of Internet
Filters December 1, 1997
Planet, One Net -- Internet Governance December 1, 1997
YEAR 2000 problems could affect YOUR Building November 19, 1997
Attacks Against Freedom of Expression on the Internet (France)
October 1, 1997
Joins Call To Postpone Cassini Launch: Risks of Nuclear Accident Too
Great September 20, 1997
Urges Internet Community Support of Ashcroft Legislation September
19, 1997
CPSR Gives Norbert Wiener
Award to Peter Neumann September 16,1997
Computer Experts Warn About Restrictive Encryption Legislation
September 16, 1997
Professionals Urge "Open, Consensus-Based" Approach for Internet Naming
System August 18, 1997
Comments of
Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility before the United
States Department of Commerce on the Domain Name System August 18,
CPSR Position on
U.S. Proposal on Database Intellectual Property August 1, 1997
Letter Endorsed by CPSR July 23, 1997
Computer Professionals Question Internet Filtering
Agreement July 18, 1997
McCain-Kerrey "Secure Public Networks Act": Brute force attack on
encryption, by Andy Oram. (CPSR Cyber-rights Working Group position
paper, 30 June 1997)
Government Can Learn From Social Security Administration Setback In
On-Line Services June 9, 1997
Civil Rights
Organisations Support Strong Encryption Policy in Germany May 9,
Privacy Policy Statement by CPSR/Boston May 8,
SERVICE IN THE ELECTRONIC AGE, testimony by Netiva Caftori - May 16,
Recovery Letter April 22, 1997
British and
Foreign Civil Rights Organisations Oppose Encryption Paper April 9,
The Clinton
Administration Builds its Campaign Against Privacy: An Analysis of the
Key Recovery Draft Legislation on 12 March 1997, by Andy Oram.
Executive Director for CPSR March, 1997
Back to top of page 
1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994
This page last updated on February 14, 2000 by Karen Coyle.
E-mail with questions or comments.
Created before October 2004