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CPSR Upcoming Events Calendar
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Ongoing CPSR activities
World Summit on the Information Society
Created on November 16, 2005.
The World Summit on the Information Society is a long-term process developed through the United Nations and the International Telecommunications Union. The discussions and negotiations culminate in two summits - Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005.
Other Events of Interest
2007 United Nations Internet Governance forum Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 12, 2007 - November 15, 2007
Created on July 21, 2007.
The roles and functions of the Forum are set out in paragraphs 72-79 of the "Tunis Agenda for the Information Society". Briefly, its main purpose will be to discuss a wide range of issues related to Internet Governance, and, where appropriate, to make recommendations to the international community. The working and function of the Forum will be multilateral, multi-stakeholder, democratic and transparent.
30th International Public ICANN Meeting Los Angeles, CA USA, October 29, 2007 - November 02, 2007
Created on July 21, 2007.
This is a unique opportunity for the world's Internet community to gather together in the city that was in many ways the birthplace of the Internet and which was the home of its earliest pioneers.
CPSR Conferences, including past events
CPSR Annual Conferences, Wiener Awards, and Members' Meetings
Created on September 12, 2004.
- 2005 Membership Meeting to discuss CPSR's Strategic Plan
- 2004 "Making the Grade?: A Report Card on U.S. Policies for the Information Society"
- 2003 "Getting The Technology You Deserve: Community Participation in Regional Cable Franchise Policy" - Seattle, WA, October 25
- 2002 "Shrinking World, Expanding Net" - Cambridge, MA, October 5
- 2001 "Nurturing the Cybercommons, 1981-2021" - Ann Arbor, MI, October 19-21
- 2000 "Drawing the Blinds: Reconstructing Privacy in the Information Age" - Philadelphia, PA, October 14-15
- 1999 "The Internet Gold Rush of '99: Can We Pan for Gold While Serving the Public Good?" - Palo Alto, CA, October 2-3
- 1998 "One Planet, One Net: The Public Interest in Internet Governance"- Boston, MA, October
- 1997 "Net Worth, Net Work: Technology & Values for a Digital Age" - Berkeley, CA, October 4 & 5
- 1996 "Communications Unleashed" - Washington, DC, October 19-20
- 1995 "The Good, the Bad, and the Internet"
- 1994 "Organizing for Access: A National Forum on Computer Networking, Community Action, and Democracy"
- 1993 Annual Meeting
- 1992 Annual Meeting Report on Day 1 Report on Day 2
Directions and Implications in Advanced Computing Conferences
Created on September 14, 2004.
Participatory Design Conferences
Created on September 14, 2004.
CPSR's Participatory Design Conferences are biennial international forums for the exchange of ideas and experiences, investigating the incorporation of participatory design approaches in new areas.
- PDC 2006 "Expanding Boundaries in Design" - Trento, Italy, July 31 - August 5, 2006
- PDC 2004 Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices --Toronto, Canada, July 27-31
- PDC 2002 "Participation and Design: Inquiring Into the Politics, Contexts and Practices of Collaborative Design Work" - Malmo, Sweden, June 23-25
- PDC 2000 "Designing Digital Environments: Bringing In More Voices"- New York, NY, November 28-December 1
- PDC 1998 "Broadening Participation"- Seattle, WA, November 12-14
- PDC '96- Cambridge, MA, November 13-15
- PDC '94- Chapel Hill, NC, October 27-28
- PDC '92- Cambridge, MA, November 6-7
Last modified August 10, 2006 06:43 PM