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Internet Democracy
Up one levelInternet Democracty Project and ICANN related issues.
Civil Society Forum at Yokohama, 13 July 2000
- Yokohama Forum on Civil Society and ICANN Elections (In Japanese)
Pre-release for Yokohama Forum
- Press release for Yokohama Forum (in Japanese) by CPSR/Japan prepatarory committiee.
ICT Global Governance Workshop 2003
- WSIS workshop information in Japanese.
CPSR Life member joins ICANN board
- CPSR Press Release on Joichi Ito's activity (December 23, 2004,).
EPIC Alert Vol.11 No.24
- EPIC report on Joichi Ito in Privacy and Public Voice Conference in Africa (December 23, 2004).
Joi Ito's Web
- Weblog by Joi Ito (ICANN Category)
Internet Governance (2004) by Izumi Aizu
- Japanese book written by Izumi Aizu, Principal of Asia Network Research ( ) in 2004.