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2006 News
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Open Document Format Round Table Discussion
- The beginning of a longer-term effort in which CPSR will play a role.
CPSR Elections: June 2006
- We need your email!
Press Release
- CPSR Announces 2006 New Board Members, Officers, and A Change of Address, and Clarifies Policy on Elections
- First Peruvian duet license its music under Creative Commons Peru licenses
CPSR hires Dan Krimm as new Communication Director
- For immediate release
CPSR supports Human Rights Day
- Human Rights Day is observed by the international community every year on 10 December. It commemorates the day in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. CPSR supports Human Rights Day.
CPSR joins coalition asking to mandate paper ballots
- CPSR has joined and many others signing a letter to Congress urging legislation to mandate the use of paper ballots in all federal elections. See the full letter here.